WELCOME TO AKTIVASIA Training and education to catalyse powerful people movements.

A room with people sitting in a circle and a woman presenting in the middle

We provide the education and training activists need to create real, powerful change across Asia and around the world

The catastrophic impacts of climate change are crippling us all - from extreme temperature rises in Pakistan, to fires in Australia, floods in the Philippines, and drought across Indonesia.

Clearly, politicians and industry leaders are not doing nearly enough to protect our planet. The time has come for accelerated grassroots action, yet an estimated 80% of grassroots organizations in Asia still lack access to the training and education they need to run successful climate justice campaigns. To win, ongoing training and education need to be a part of the journey.

At AktivAsia we offer training and educational courses for activists seeking to make a change at a local or national level.


trained so far


of participants
are female


organisations have
been trained


of participants are from regional and remote locations

Service levels

DIPs Reviewed

2 Hours

Day 1 Underwrite

Within 24 Hours

Application to Offer

Within 13 Days

Positive Messaging Experience

94% Positive

Our purpose

AktivAsia teaches activists across Asia to strengthen people-powered movements so critical for the long-term sustainability of the region and of the world. We help activists:

Learn how to build power

Learn how to integrate new models of organizing and mobilizing

Learn how to grow influence

What we’ve achieved So FAR...

Founded in 2018, AktivAsia has trained, coached and mentored well over 1015 activists across Asia. And thanks to our accelerator approach which provides special training to activists who wish to share learning, provide peer support, or lead their own training, we are able to cascade our impact and reach a much wider and more diverse set of participants, reaching an estimated, additional 4000 activists in the past three years.

Previous participants in AktivAsia trainings come from organisations doing some of the most important movement-building across Asia.


organisations have participated in AktivAsia trainings


of participants are from regional and remote locations

Thank you so much for the opportunity! I declined the invitation at first but I'm so glad I pushed through it. Thank you for making it a safe space and one of the best camps I’ve ever had!

Lovely, Philippines

All training is designed with fluidity that allows learners and facilitators to design and shape the training according to their needs, desired output, and solid results which I think is a one-of-a-kind approach that I am continuously learning from and improving.

Bernadette Maheandiran, Market Forces

The AktivAsia Fellowship Program helped me understand how to design a solid campaign strategy. My organization uses the tools I learned in this program until now.

Siti Juliantari