Mohammed Mosleh Uddin
Programme Manager -The Earth Bangladesh
We're so happy to be back in Bangladesh after an amazing time together! We learned so much from each other and had a blast hanging out. You're not just colleagues anymore, you're friends!

Ivan Christian Banasto
Program Head Reboot Philippines - Bicol RegionalHub
Thank you so much, AktivAsia, for this opportunity to get along with fellow organizers and share their respective campaigns with each one of us. Unto our next Relational Meetings! All the best!

Lingga Riansyah
WALHI Bengkulu
Thank you AktivAsia for further introducing Paulo Freire through the popular education facilitation model, because I believe everyone has their own knowledge and it is not right to say that fish are not as smart as monkeys when it comes to climbing trees.

Wahyudi Iskandar
Debt for Climate Indonesia
AktivAsia's training helped me understand that it is possible to achieve success in climate justice campaigns. With measurable campaign strategies and tactics, climate justice can be realized.

Cimbyo Layas Ketaren
Fossil Free Bengkulu
Organizing is a fun activity! AktivAsia has really helped me to carry out campaign and advocacy agendas with the community. Each tool provided is very easy to implement in every organization.

Siti Juliantari
Indonesia Corruption Watch
The AktivAsia Fellowship Program helped me understand how to design a solid campaign strategy. My organization uses the tools I learned in this program until now.